Determination of the thermal contact resistance between the composite materials C-Si-C and titanium alloy

Aircraft engines and power generators


Ezhov A. D.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Details connections made of new materials, which lack the information of their behavior in the connections, are often used in the problems of calculation of the thermal state of the construction of aviation and aerospace technology. Thereby, the problem of determining the thermal contact resistance between quite perspective materials — carbon-carbon composite materials and titanium alloys is considered.

The modeling of rough surface between two contiguous samples is performed. The finite —element model considering the peculiarities of surface micro relief is built. A thermo-mechanical calculation resulted into values of relative surface s shift, the actual contact area and temperature field is carried out.

Taking into account these temperatures contact thermal resistance for a wide range of pressures was calculated. Verification of the results was performed by comparing the correlation analysis with the results of the thermal contact resistance counted on the analytic dependence of a number of authors.

The presented method of thermal contact resistance calculation allows to find the values between the different materials used in the aviation and space industry. The results of calculations and comparisons with known dependencies showed that the method is adequate and its application does not require specific knowledge about the state of the contacting surfaces.


contact thermal resistance, the contact area, the rough surface modeling


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