Testing of ramjet with hydrogen combustion and thrust measurement in a wind tunnel

Aircraft engines and power generators


Vnuchkov D. A.1*, Zvegintsev V. I.1**, Ivanov I. V.2***, Nalivaychenko D. G.1****, Starov A. V.1*****

1. Federal State Budgetary Institute of Science Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4/1, Institutskaya str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
2. 33, Sheglovskaya zaseka, Tula, 300004, Russia,

*e-mail: vnuchkov@itam.nsc.ru
**e-mail: zvegin@itam.nsc.ru
***e-mail: ivaig@rambler.ru
****e-mail: denis@itam.nsc.ru
*****e-mail: starov@itam.nsc.ru



The aim of experiments performed was to develop the method of ramjet engine model testing in the wind tunnel with the simulation of incoming air flow and with thrust characteristics measurement.

Design / methodology / approach

For these tests the universal model of axisymmetric ramjet with the possibility of different fuels combustion was developed and fabricated. The ramjet of a pulling scheme includes a frontal air inlet and a combustion chamber with length of 380 mm. The model was installed in a wind tunnel by using of two supporting pylons, which by means of strain gauges were attached to the wall of the working section. The strain gauge readings give the total force acting along the axis of the tested model. There are a few openings inside pylons for hydrogen feeding. Model was equipped with thermal sensors and pressure gauges in order to obtain distributions of heat fluxes and static pressures in the engine channel.

Tests were conducted at M = 2.5 in the blowdown wind tunnel T-333 with a working section of Eiffel type. Stagnation pressure was P0 from 0.4 to 0.5 MPa, the stagnation temperature was T0 = 290 K.

A typical experiment with combustion constructed as follows. After wind tunnel working mode release the synchronization system was started that implement automatic feeding of fuel into the combustion chamber and simultaneously the inclusion of a pilot flame inside of the model. Burning of the pilot flame lasts 1 second only. The feeding of main hydrogen and its combustion was continued for a further 2 seconds after turning off the pilot flame.


After treatment, the test results showed that if fuel feeding and hydrogen combustion in the combustion chamber occur, then the drag of the model decreases due to appearance of the inner thrust. The maximum value of the inner thrust reached was 800 N with combustion efficiency of about 0.3-0.4. In the range of test conditions the heat fluxes pattern within the combustion chamber (in the vicinity of the critical section) does not exceed q = 1,3 MW / m2. The static pressure in the combustion chamber during the combustion of hydrogen does not exceed 0.28 MPa. Accordingly, the relative pressure within the chamber of combustion does not exceed the P / Pn = 9.6.

Practical implications

Results of this work will allow us to improve ramjet design methods and technology of ramjet testing in ground facilities with combustion and thrust characteristics modelling.

Originality / value

Taken into account the real complexity of the completed tests with combustion and measurement of ramjet engine thrust characteristics in conditions of incoming air flow they could be classified as unique.


ramjet, ribbed air inlet, hydrogen combustion, wind tunnel, inner thrust


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