Automated servo IR radiometric system design principles

Radio-measuring devices
*, **, ***Moscow State University of Engineering and Computer Science, 20, Stromynka str., Moscow, 107996, Russia
The article deals with issues related to ground based infrared system for Sun tracing in automatic mode. The goal of the automated servo IR-system design is embodiment of regular Sun monitoring and measuring its radiation temperature with allowance for direction pattern overlapping by clouds. It will allow obtaining such atmosphere and meteorological objects characteristics as transmission factor of an optically semitransparent cloud, its optical density, optical thickness, as well as atmosphere transparency factor, atmosphere optical density in spectral range, and atmosphere turbidity factor.
IR-Pyrometer TI-315E mounted on viola-azimuthal mounting constitutes the main part of the complex. The range of measured temperatures is expanded due to compensation light filter up to 500 °К. The small angular size of an observed object required the design of high precision drive for viola-azimuthal installation.
To ensure constant Sun tracking independence we developed a tracking program using Sun ephemerides. It allows fixing Sun radiation temperature fluctuations caused, specifically, either by Earth atmosphere transparency changes, or by Sun disk overlapping by optically semitransparent clouds.
Practical significance of installation consists in the fact, that we suggested a particular solution of the problem. The paper outlines the design of separate units on a structural level with their main characteristics, and defines their interaction to provide operating control of overall system in automated mode. The indubitable advantage of the presented design consists in IR-radiometric system ability to operate during daylight, and its design supposes installation mobility.
Sun, guidance, tracking, measurement, errors, infrared settingReferences
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