An approach to the effectiveness of radio-technical flight support evaluation

Radio engineering


Ivanutkin A. G.*, Kaz'min A. I.**

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



— Purpose

Radar support systems are the only source of objective information for the aircrew on their location on the ground and in the air; and for operational control groups — on the situation in the area of their responsibility.

One of the types of information support for an aircraft that allows formation and data delivery on the location of an aircraft on the ground and in the air for the crew, as well as command and control aircraft using the software of highest quality is radio engineering operations. Development of information technologies and their implementation in the subject area of control requires functioning and processing of large amounts of information to ensure aviation systems control. However, to date, the existing approaches to the substantiation requirements, selection criteria and evaluation of radar support of aviation operations need to be further developed. The specificity of the tasks and increased information requirements of the aircraft crew make it necessary to search for new ways of organizing radiotechnical support operations.

Thus, the objective need exists for new approaches to evaluate the effectiveness of such type of information to ensure aviation safety.

— Design/methodology/approach

To evaluate the effectiveness of radar support for aviation proposes an approach based on the achievement of the basic requirements for radio-technical support as to the information processing represented in the forms of information units, information networks and information areas.

— Practical implications

Based on the analysis and implementation of aviation research the paper analyzes the main characteristics of radio-technical support quality as an information processing, and based on the analysis of the three groups overall performance efficiency of the radio-technical support of aviation operations. Based on a thorough analysis of the properties of the information processing, determining the quality of its operation, the system requirements for radio-technical support are defined, and private performance indicators of its operation are selected.

— Originality/valuability

Originality and novelty of the proposed approach mean the development of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of aviation radar support, different from the existing ones. It allows take into account the maximum number of factors affecting the quality of information for aviation support. The proposed method of radio-technical support of an aircraft efficiency will provide better and faster development of proposals for making a decision on the organization of aviation radio-technical support.


radio-technical flight support, aircraft, efficiency, index, system survivability, information exchange


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