Multi-band radiators for active phased antenna arrays (review)



Zykov L. S.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia




This paper focuses on search and systematization of technical solutions which provide the functioning of present multi-band systems. The paper also shows the main courses of modern antenna industry development.


The initial review and analysis of present dual band and wideband radiators for active phased antenna arrays manufactured in Russia and other countries.


The paper shows main directions of research and prototypes of wideband radiators and their characteristics. This paper also conducts the analysis of wideband and multi-band radiators, which are designated as perspective in Russian literature and in literature of other countries. Each radiator in this paper have its main advantages and disadvantages indicated, from which one may notice that desirable results may be easily obtained with wideband radiators because improvements in their directivity characteristics are only narrowing the operating bandwidth. The increase in construction complexity may help in obtaining the desirable directivity characteristics without bandwidth narrowing. It also may upgrade the narrow-band radiator with required directivity to reconfigurable radiator, which will provide the same directivity for each narrow band, obtained by increasing construction complexity.

Practical implications

Results of this paper may be used in development of the on-board radars apertures, to define their functionality and dimensions.


This review paper indicates that the most frequently used types of radiators for on-board radars are patch radiators. The results of this paper show that there are many types of multi-band and wideband radiators. This paper shows that multi-band radiators manufactured at present are more complex and less efficient than wideband radiators, but provide their bandwidth by construction complexity instead of directivity in wideband radiators, and it gives research direction in this field.


Phased antenna arrays, multi-band antennas, wideband antennas


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