Analysis of the possibility of using Quasi-Zenith Satellite System QZSS as a source of precise ephemeris for a high-precision positioning mode

Radiolocation and radio navigation
*, **Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
Currently, an increasing number of applications, which is necessary to achieve centimeter-level positioning of the receivers of the global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). One way to achieve centimeter-level positioning accuracies is to use the Precise Point Positioning — PPP GNSS receiver mode. This mode of GNSS receiver operation does not require differential corrections from the base station, but its operation requires precise ephemeris. For this information could be used differential corrections transmitted from Japanese satellite navigation system (SNS) QZSS.
The paper discusses the use of data transmitted in the signal MADOCA-LEX SNS QZSS as precise ephemeris for organizing the Precise Point Positioning mode of GNSS receiver. For the analysis was made choice an alternative source of precise ephemeris to obtain positions in the Precise Point Positioning mode for comparing the quality of precise ephemeris transmitted by QZSS system and other sources. As these sources was also used posteriori precise ephemeris from service NRCAN, and real-time precise ephemeris from service CNES. The experiments have showed position accuracy in the PPP mode and the efficacy of the precise ephemeris from QZSS applying to the GNSS GPS and GLONASS.
The experimental results showed that in the Precise Point Positioning mode with precise ephemeris from QZSS system, user position accuracy can achieve in real time is less than 10 cm level and using precise ephemeris from other services is about than 4-5 cm. The loss of accuracy characteristics in PPP mode with precise ephemeris provided by QZSS system in comparison with the service CNES possible due to the fact that the experiment was carried out in Moscow. The quality of precise ephemeris supplied by QZSS in the European territory of the Russian Federation may degrade due to a loose network of base stations in this area. In the Asian area is possible the opposite effect, however, this assumption requires further research.
However, the accuracy of user position using precise ephemeris from QZSS system as correction information for Precise Point Positioning mode, allows using PPP mode to solve a number of tasks requiring high precision positioning.
global navigation satellite system (GNSS), Precise Point Positioning (PPP), The Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS), precise ephemeris, GPS, GLONASSReferences
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