Offline-capable client Web applications for satellite data processing systems

Mathematica modeling, numerical technique and program complexes


Ginzburg I. B.*, Padalko S. N.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



This paper presents a new class of cross-platform Web applications as a component of the National Geographically Distributed Information System for Remote Sensing Data Receiving, Processing, Archiving and Dissemination (ETRIS DZZ) that extends the possibilities of this system. A set of client and server components is proposed for server-controlled automatic local storage and updates of Web application code and data cache to provide offline capabilities and eliminate the need for constant connection to the server to allow client Web applications work offline with the data obtained before during periods of connection failures or in those areas where connection to the server is unavailable.

The requirement of offline ETRIS DZZ data handling is connected, firstly, to the big volume of the requested data (can reach hundreds of megabytes per session), and rather long period of that data relevance. It’s irrational to reload unchanged data each session. Secondly, many end users don’t have the possibility to load a large amount of data because of a bad connection to the server. Apart from the large amount of remote sensing image data with a long period of relevance, there are text and vector analysis results layers, which also have a certain period of relevance, allowing caching, and have a much smaller amount — up to ten megabytes per session. Moreover user each time loading constant overhead, which used to generate client interface, to load and display the data layers and provide a variety of portal services on the client side.

The proposed solution reduces the amount of traffic, the number of requests to server and meets the challenges of cross-platform, fault tolerance, and autonomy of the client application. As a result of this solution various kinds of devices, including mobile devices, can be used as terminals for ETRIS DZZ, store relevant data locally and update this information automatically.


Earth remote sensing, satellite data, client applications for satellite data processing systems, mobile applications, offline-capable web applications.


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