Computer simulation of plasmodynamic processes in the torch of capillary discharge

Fluid, gas and plasma mechanics
*, **, ***, ****Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
Modern space programs give specialized practical tasks to the developers in order to develop new engines and their improvement.
Capillary pulse discharge with an evaporating wall of the channel is a relatively simple way to obtain plasma. It is known that this type of discharge is characterized by a long, relatively stable structure of a pulsed plasma stream in the atmosphere. A capillary pulse discharge is a generator of plasma streams, which is an inter-electrode ins ert made of a dielectric cylinder with an axial bore that is used as a main channel of capillary discharge, electrodes and the body.
As part of the radiating plasma dynamics, taking into consideration the radiation transfer, problem is set plasma and gas-dynamic processes in the flame of a capillary discharge with an electrode vaporizing under the assumption that the brightness temperature and the temperature of the outflowing plasma equal to each other.
Specific calculations with plasma-forming substance performed for Al flooded space (air under normal conditions), the timing of the maximum discharge current is equal to tmax = 25 ms. The val ue of the total energy stored in the buffer storage, was 2,7 kJ, the channel diameter capillary discharge is 10 mm.
The numerical solution of the system developed in accordance with the non-stationary two-dimensional radiation magnetogasdynamic model, which is based on the method of splitting into physical processes and spatial directions.
The spatial distribution of temperature, pressure and density shown in a quasi-stationary part of the jet, on time t = 94,6 s.
The results show that at time of about 100 ms brightness temperatures plummet from 10 to 3 kK and then relatively little change over time.
In this paper the results are compared with other calculations and experimental work for the high-current discharge channels [15, 18].
In [15] jet diameter d0 = 0,2 cm, the pressure on the cut p0 = 143 atm, the axial velocity of the plasma u0 = 10,8 km/c, radial velocity v0 = 0, the plasma density ρ0 = 1,89 ∙ 10-4 g/cm3, the density of radiant energy flux S0 = 23,9 mW/cm2; environmental parameters were taken to be: p∞ = 31,6 bar, ρ∞ = 1,52 ∙ 10-2 g / cm3, T∞ = 2,59 ∙ 10-2 eV.
In [18] calculations Underexpanded plasma jet made for the channel diameter d = 0,2 cm. In the jet nozzle exit temperature T = 3.5 eV, pressure p = 70,8 atm, the density ρ = 1,29 ∙ 10-4 g/cm3, velocity u =10 km/c, the Mach number M = 1,24. Parameters of the ambient air following: p∞ = 1,63 atm, ρ∞ = 1,29 ∙ 10-3 g / cm3, T∞ = 0,038 eV.
In [15, 18] Mach disk locations after the jet to a quasi-stationary mode does not correspond experiments [8-10]. However, calculations of how [15] and [18] give the same values of Mach disk position.
Authors of the experimental work [10] observed two bright glow: have cut the capillary and in the Mach disc, which means an increase of temperature in these areas. This is consistent with the calculations of this study and [15].
Brightness temperature jet, measured experimentally, equal to 23,5 kK [8-10]. Calculated brightness temperature jet differs by more than 10 kK.
Numerical investigations of pulse jet flowing through the slice rather «wide», more than three millimeters channels, show that near the boundaries of the jet formed unsteady vortex structures.
The work was performed in the framework of the program of the Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Ministry of Education (Project No. 13.79.2014/K).
plasma engines, radiation plasma dynamic, capillary discharge plasma jet, the computer system ASTEROIDReferences
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