The method of the testability analysis of operational model of the plane

Aeronautical engineering


Spiridonov I. B.

PJSC Yakovlev , 68, Leningradskiy prospect, Moscow, 125315, Russia



Testability analysis is one of the phases of the design process. We examined approaches to the creation of operational model of the plane, its diagnostic model is presented by objects of physical classification breakdown.

Testability analysis procedure establishes the methodology and decision making logic, which should be a prerequisite for the determination of maintenance tasks for troubleshooting and disaster recovery facilities top-level control (system, plane) in the event of failure of its components (systems, subsystems, LRU).

The publication shows that the testability analysis task is options chosen evaluation and control devices evaluation and their optimality for maintenance tasks.

For the plane testability assessment is offered the method of the testability analysis of operational model of the plane, based on application of logical-and-probabilistic simulation evaluation with attraction of the failure tree device.

Advantage of such approach is possibility of adequate models creation and carrying out exact calculations of testability indicators on evident and widespread in the theory and practice reliability analysis and aviation-related systems safety. Failure tree models are presented for the analysis of data reliability of integrated control systems, considering functional flavor and robustness of integrated control systems.

Unreliability of integrated control systems is treated as possibility of hardware failures like malfunction and false response of integrated control systems.

Offers according to the accuracy grade of the integrated control systems (depth of control) in the general expression for an uncertainly control criteria are given.

This method offers the approach to the formalized description of information objects control for the automated analysis of the plane testability, based on XML technologies.

The universal data model of testability in the form of a XML scheme reflecting three-level operational structure of the plane is developed.


built in test equipment, maintenance, operational model of the plane, functionally logical model, fault tree, logical-and-probabilistic simulation evaluation, reliability, safety, testability, testability indicators, testability data model, logical-and-probabilistic simulation, XML scheme


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