Development of hardware-software complex for control of the physical state of aviation specialists using wearable devices of microelectronics

Information and measuring and control systems
1*, 2**, 2***1. Company “Sporttehkonsalt”, 2b, Otradnaya str., build. 9, Moscow, 127273, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
Most of aircrafts in aviation and aerospace can be represented as a combination of two main components: the technical part — the mechanisms of varying complexity, and the team of aviation specialists (pilots, astronauts, navigators, air traffic controllers) that control the aircraft and supporting their performance.
To ensure the control of aviation specialists physical state (PhS) we should use special wearable devices of microelectronics (WDM), implemented in the form of smart bracelets, watches, lenses or glasses and the elements of smart clothes. Controllable WDM data (heart rate, blood pressure, muscle strength, and others) are transmitted to the data center (DC) as a part of a hardware-software complex «TsifroMed» using techniques of biofeedback (BFB) which representing a man as a biological control object.
The system «TsifroMed» collects and analyzes the data from WDM and provides a team of analysts a wide range of capabilities for monitoring, coordination and communication with the aviation specialists: emergency medical assistance, alert other crew members PhS of aviation specialists (in particular the pilot), change tracking PhS during continuous operation, the detection of abnormalities in the preparatory phase of the pilot and providing an immediate impact by sending signals to the elements of smart clothes etc.
The study focuses on a team of aviation specialists (the interaction and communication with them) and continuous monitoring of their PhS, to minimize the risk of accidents and air crashes caused by human factor. Such monitoring will reveal a variety of problems, such as during the preparation of aviation specialists, and in the course of their work, for example, reveal the impossibility of transferring physical overload fighter pilot or astronaut to maintain the health of muscles during long-duration space flight.
The basis of system «TsifroMed» is a three-tier architecture — an architectural model that assumes the presence of three components: 1) the client (the client layer as user interface); 2) application server (logic layer as program modules and data handler); 3) database server (data layer as store large amounts of data).
The study notes the particular importance of monitoring the physical condition of aviation specialists, both at the stage of their preparation and at the stage of execution of their duties as pilots, astronauts, navigators, air traffic controllers and others.
To solve the problem, we developed a prototype of information system «TsifroMed» (as a hardware and software system) that provides continuous monitoring of the physical condition of aviation specialists on the basis of indications of portable devices using microelectronic technologies of biofeedback.
Implementation of «TsifroMed» in the aerospace industry would minimize the risk of accidents and air crashes caused by human factor, to exclude a variety of risks, such as those associated with large congestion or long stay in weightlessness and improve the training quality of future aviation specialists.
aviation, aerospace, hardware-software complex, architecture of information system, wearable devices of microelectronics (WDM), biofeedback (BFB)References
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