Evaluation of Signal Integrity in Printed Circuit Boards of Spacecraft Autonomous Navigation System

Radio engineering
*, **Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, 40, Lenin str., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
*e-mail: surovtsevrs@gmail.com
**e-mail: talgat@tu.tusur.ru
The paper proves the topicality of assurance of signal integrity in spacecraft autonomous navigation systems. As it is important to achieve import substitution and technological independence, we propose to use domestic system of computer modeling of electromagnetic compatibility. We provide results of analyses of various circuits of real printed circuit boards of spacecraft autonomous navigation systems with and without estimation of losses and real loads in time and frequency domains. The analysis is carried out by means of quasi-static approach implemented in the TALGAT software. Three illustrative cases are examined. Firstly, influence of boundary conditions on the wave form in the coupled lines was evaluated with and without estimation of losses in the conductors and dielectrics. We revealed that mismatching of a line at the beginning and at the end leads to the big number of reflections, which can be used for correction of the signal rise time degradation due to the losses in real interconnects. Then, we evaluated the level of crosstalk and the transmission coefficient in the five-conductor line in time and frequency domains. The worst case is when one conductor is being simultaneously affected by all others. As a result, we obtained high level of crosstalk, at the near end it is 6.5% of the signal level in the active line, at the far end it is 2.8%. Simulation in frequency domain showed that the first crosstalk maximum in the passive conductor is 20% of the signal level in the active line, and it can be seen at the frequency close to those of the navigation systems. Finally, evaluation of synchronization of signals in the differential pair was carried out. The obtained difference of the signals is rather big, 3.5% of the signal in the active conductor.
simulation, electromagnetic compatibility, signal integrity, printed circuit board, onboard electronic equipment, autonomous navigation systemReferences
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