Multi-Channel Microwave Band Switches for High Levels of the Switched Power

Antennas and SHF-devices


Petrov I. A.

Central Scientific Research Radiotechnical Institute name of the academician A.I. Berg, 20, Novaya Basmannaya, 105066, Russia



Controlling devices for microwave range with semiconductor elements (SE) are intended for controlling amplitude and phase of signals, and switching signal for different channels commutation. Controlling devices include breakers, electrically controlled attenuators, multiple channel switches and switching matrixes, phase inverters. Recently p-i-n diodes and field-effect transistors with Shottky gate are used for controlling devices, including multiple channel switching devices as SE. The multiple channel switches can be implemented as series, series-parallel and parallel cut-in SE inline. The channels of the switches can bifurcate both from one point, or consist of consecutively bifurcating switching groups, in which case they have a more broadband operational frequencies. The necessary condition for creating the switches for increased power level is a compensational capacity of reactive parameters of SE in the structure of the switch. The capacitance compensation of the semiconductor structure allows use SE with smaller impedances in on- and off-mode, to reduce the power dissipation in SE, raise rated dissipation power and, consequently, raise significantly the microwave power commutated by the switch. This report analyzes the main circuits of the multi-channel switches, their advantages and disadvantages. It shows that using the broadband structures with short-circuit and open-circuit stubs in different circuit designs of the multi-channel switches allows increase the operating frequency range, reduce the open channel losses, enlarge the closed channel decoupling, increase the level of commutated microwave power. The improvement of electric parameters of switches is connected with proposed circuit configurations, which allow compensating input reactive conductance of stubs, short-circuits and SE, connected to transmission path of the open channel.


shunting structures, switching devices, semiconductor elements


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