Algorithm of Diagnostic Signs Formation for Onboard Dynamic Systems Based on Hurst Index

Telecommunication technologies


Yakimov V. L.*, Pankratov A. V.**

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The effective signs search for an onboard systems states assessment is the important trend of technical diagnostics. It is especially actual in the conditions of emergency functioning. The results of various flight tests of space-rocket hardware allowed obtain acceptable statistical material, showing that temporal rows of telemetric parameters of onboard dynamic systems in the conditions of emergency functioning are characterized by existence of different trends, noises and jams. To detect such features of temporary rows it is possible to use methods on based on RS-statistics and Hurst index calculation. The developed algorithm of diagnostic signs formation includes Hurst evaluation in an «observation window» on temporary rows on the set of telemetric parameters; smoothing of the received Hurst indices estimates within «a smoothing window»; determination of the distribution law of diagnostic signs on telemetric parameters realizations; formation of confidential intervals (admissions) on the received diagnostic signs; optimization of algorithm parameters. The formed diagnostic signs were used for processing of onboard dynamic systems telemetric parameters of the carrier rocket and the small spacecraft. The possibility of clustering of the proposed diagnostic signs for telemetric parameters of one or several similar objects was shown. The analysis of telemetric information with use of the offered diagnostic signs allows detect differences between states of onboard dynamic systems, including conditions of emergency functioning. The used approach combined with classical methods has to increase efficiency and reliability of the automated processing of telemetric information of the space-rocket hardware objects.


dynamic system, telemetric parameters, Hurst index


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