Estimation of coordinates and parameters of movement of aircrafts by the information from radar



Sychev M. I.*, Fesenko S. V.**

Aeronautical Research Institute, 26, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, 123182, Russia



Growth of intensity of air traffic and requirements on its safety leads to increase of requirements on support of trajectories of aircrafts on all sites of flight, including zones of intensive maneuvering. The particular interest is represented thereupon by multiple model algorithms. Multiple model methods have been generally considered the mainstream approach to maneuvering target tracking under motion-mode uncertainty. Aircraft movement is described by several models of possible movement. For example, for civil aircrafts at the description of horizontal movement three models are usually used. The first basic model is uniform movement. The second model is turn (circle movement). The third is change of speed. Aircraft tracking is carried out under the information fr om surveillance facilities. Today the primary and secondary surveillance radars are used.

The general approach to the solving of a problem of aircraft tracking is the description of its movement by several models. Target tracking is a hybrid estimation problem. The condition vector describing coordinates and parameters of aircraft movement has the discrete parameter. It is interpreted as an index of model of aircraft movement. This parameter is described by a Markov’s chain with the matrix of probabilities of transition from one condition to another. In the literature the formal conclusion of the algorithm describing change of density of distribution of probabilities of a condition vector is spent. The target motion-mode uncertainty exhibits itself in the situations wh ere a target may undergo a known or unknown maneuver during an unknown time period. In general, a nonmaneuvering aircraft motion and different maneuvers can be described only in different motion models. The use of an incorrect model often leads to unacceptable results. A primary approach to target tracking in the presence of motion-mode uncertainty is the so-called multiple model method, which is one of the most natural approaches to hybrid estimation.

In practice, constructive algorithms are based on a Gaussian approximation of the density distribution of probabilities function. Usually it is interpret as linearization. Block diagrams of three types multiple model algorithms are presented. Comparison of their characteristics was made. Results of simulations are presented.


tracking, a multiple model filtration, radar


  1. Eurocontrol Standard Document for Radar Surveillance in En-Route Airspace and Major Terminal Areas. SUR.ET1.ST01.1000-STD-01-01, Edition 1.0, March 1997.

  2. Yaakov Bar-Shalom, X.-Rong Li, Thiagalingam Kirubarajan. Estimation with Applications To Tracking and Navigation. John Wiley&Sons, Inc., New York, 2001.

  3. Bakulev P.A., Sychev M.I., Nguen Chong Lu. Radiotekhnika, 2004, no.1, pp. 26-32.

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