Calculation of working zone of multiposition radar system by the exterior light source



Leshko N. A.*, Ashurkov I. S.**

Higher Military School of Air Defense, 28, Moskovsky avenue, Yaroslavl, 150001, Russia




The article is dedicated to the development of methodical approach to the evaluation of the usage of the exterior radar system as light source for the multiposition radar system (MPRS) in conditions of lack of prior data about the light source coordinates. As an uncooperative transmitter there was considered RS AN/APY-2 of the plane of long-distance radar detection and of system control AWACS.


Here were evaluated the possibilities of radar facilities in the survey of sizes and position of working zone. Working zone of MPRS is determined by the light source as the crossing of detection zone and position finding zone. We indicated relations for the evaluation of position finding zones, detection and working zone by the light source using goniometrical and differentially-ranging methods of coordinates calculation.

Condition of using possibility of uncooperative transmitter as light source of MPRS and forming of initial data for the calculation of the working zone of the system is belonging of the coordinates of light source to the working zone. If the light source is within working zone then it’s possible to form initial data for the calculation of working zone by using targets. Otherwise, it’s necessary to reduce requirements to the indices of detection quality and accuracy of measurement of light source coordinates.


The suggested methodology of designing of working zone of MPRS by the uncooperative light source allows evaluation of possibility of its usage in multiposition RS and differs from the known in the lack of prior data about exterior light source coordinates.


position finding zone, detection zone, working zone, multi-position radar system, uncooperative exterior source of light


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