Principles of creation of anti-navigation interference field

Radio navigation
*, **Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
Currently there is a rapid development of satellite radionavigation systems (RNS), which stimulates not only civil but also military needs. Therefore, in situations of conflict arising the need to counter satellite RNS. The purpose of counteraction is to create difficulties for the successful solution of the navigation issues in the enemy consumer equipment of satellite RNS.
Counteraction to consumer equipment of satellite RNS may be achieved by creating anti-navigation field (ANF) for solving tasks:
1. Counteractions to dangerous objects equipped with the apparatus of satellite RNS by electronic countermeasures (ECM). For the solution of such tasks the spatial area within which objects are located and neutralized must be known.
2. Protection of own objects fr om weapons guided on these objects through the information received from the equipment of satellite RNS by ECM (object protection). Usually initial data for the organization of the object protection are coordinates of protected objects, possible kinds of weapons and also dangerous directions of attacks.
3. Protection of area (region, several regions of the country) from any weapon equipped with the apparatus of satellite RNS by ECM. This task is comprehensive. Solution of one automatically means solution of the private tasks 1 and 2.
Particular interest is the evaluation of possibilities of creation of the ANF for the protection of the territory. Traditional approaches for the object protection in this case are unacceptable. The approach based on joint using of jammers and spoofers in the ANF is suggested. The advantage of this approach lies in the facts that basic energy costs are used for the creation of the ANF in the barrier zone, wh ere jammers are located, and in the rest of the protected area low power spoofers are located, which provide sharp decrease of summary energy costs for the creation of the ANF.
consumer equipment, satellite radionavigation systems, anti-navigation fieldReferences
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