Software for solving the problem of parametric synthesis of optimal average generalized PID-controller for the flight control problems

System analysis, control and data processing


Pomazueva E. A.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The solution to the PID-controller optimal parameter search for the flight control problem for a given set of initial states and the set of input signals is obtained. An algorithm and software is suggested.

The novelty of the approach is to add the term with the second derivative of the error and to calculate the integral component not on the whole time interval, but only on an interval defined by a «memory» of the system in the application of the optimality criterion controller parameters characterizing the average cumulative error with respect to the set of possible initial system states and set of input signals. The problem is solved as an unconstrained minimization problem for a function of several variables using the method of simulated annealing followed by refinement of the result by adaptive random search.

Solve the problem of finding optimal parameters of the PID controller for the longitudinal motion of the aircraft is given. A comparative analysis of the impact of the controller parameters on the quality of transition process and appropriate recommendations are made. The software, which has a modular structure and user-friendly interface and implements the proposed procedure for solving the problem. This software allows you to arrange the results in tables and graphs. This paper shows that the proposed technology solutions and the corresponding software can reduce the value of the criterion, as compared to its initial value, and improve the quality of the transition process.

The suggested technology of solution of the parametric synthesis problem can be useful for solving of engineering problems by construct of PID-controllers.


PID-controller, optimization criterion, set of initial states, set of input signals, simulated annealing method


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