Thermal protection system of coated carbon composite materials development for aviation engines heat-stressed structures

Aircraft engines and power installations


Sorokin V. A.1, 2*, Kopylov A. V.3**, Tikhomirov М. A.3***, Stirin E. A.3****, Loginov A. N.3*****, Fedorov D. Y.3, Valui P. V.3

1. ,
2. Engineering Design Bureau “Iskra” named after Ivan Kartukov, 28, Leningrad Avenue, Moscow, 125284, Russia
3. Machinebuilding Design Bureau”Iskra” named after I.I. Kartukov, 35, Leningradskoe shosse, Moscow, 125284, Russia



Based on the analysis of damages arising from heat erosion, thermochemical and oxidative effects of combustion products flow, heat-stressed of rocket and aircraft engines structures made of carbon composite materials we propose thermal protection methods.

The development of a thermal protection system for heat-stressed aircraft engines structures of carbon composite material depending on the temperature level of the firewall, chemical composition of combustion products, pressure, etc. can be performed in several ways:

  1. By implementing parts made of carbon-carbon composite material, the ceramic or ceramic like monolayer or multilayer thermal barrier coating, such as silicon carbide SiC with thickness of 100 microns and above, with a refractory metal alloying elements such as molybdenum, tantalum and others.

  2. By use of carbon-ceramic composite material without thermal cover, such as carbon-ceramic composite material with silicon carbide of matrix type C/SiC, or a matrix of silicon nitride/Si3N4 obtained by the volumetric saturation of the porous workpiece of carbon-carbon composite material — silicon carbide SiC or silicon nitride Si3N4 of a gas phase. Depending on high temperatures, over 1650°С, and the percentage of oxygen on the surfaces of the parts of carbon-ceramic composite material, the surface layer of the ceramic coating can be applied to prevent the gas permeability of the ceramic matrix, which can cause defects due to the difference of coefficients of thermal expansion at the interface with carbon fiber.

  3. It is necessary to generalize and apply the experience of leading material science companies for the protection of carbon composite material with volume and surface saturation ceramic compositions.

  4. Based on the operating conditions of heat-stressed rocket and aircraft engines structures of carbon composite material with different parameters of solid fuel combustion products flow (pressure, temperature, equilibrium and non-equilibrium composition of combustion products of solid fuel), together with research organizations it is necessary to develop approaches for experimental study of failure mechanisms of perspective carbon-carbon composite material, carbon-ceramic composite material and thermal barrier coatings and the temperature of the working surface of the carbon-carbon composite material, carbon-ceramic composite material and coatings.


solid fuel ramjet rocket engine, heat-stressed structures, carbon-carbon and carbon-ceramic composite materials, heat-shielding coatings, heat erosion and oxidation resistance


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