Automatic lateral motion control procedures for an airplane-type unmanned combat aerial vehicle at the airborne path

Dynamics, ballistics, flying vehicles movement control
1*, 2**1. Company Avionica, 7, Obraztsova str., Moscow, 127055, Russia
2. General department of research activities and technological support of advanced technologies (Innovative Research) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 84 / 32, Profsojuznaya str., Moscow, 117997, Russia
This article demonstrates usage of analytical automatic control system (ACS) design by means of the inverse dynamics method within the scope of designing flight-navigation ACS of a UCAV by the example of lateral motion control at the airborne path.
The mathematical simulations of UAV dynamics are based on its aerodynamic, mass-inertia and geometric characteristics and parameters, and also on usage of solid mechanics equations.
Dynamic model equations are used to synthesize UAV motion control procedures both for flight and ground motion. Moreover, the real-time dynamic model provides for UAV motion data not measured with instrumentation that are necessary for the ACS procedures.
UAV flight lateral motion can appear in the case of course change or under such external disturbance as side wind.
For lateral motion control it is necessary to keep the set earth reference value of lateral coordinate .
UAV controlled lateral motion is induced by a sideway force that originates under UAV heel. Therefore, at the first stage of procedure execution, it is necessary to define relevant (required) angle of heel to eliminate existing lateral displacement
At the second stage of lateral motion control system operation the required UAV heel must be provided by means of aileron movement.
The UAV flight under side wind influence was simulated to check operability of submitted lateral motion control procedures. UAV takeoff, stabilization of horizontal flight at the specified speed and altitude, and landing on a concrete runway were simulated. Simulation results prove satisfactory performance of the lateral control channel procedures.
The established procedure of UAV lateral motion control at the airborne path is sufficiently efficient to eliminate the UAV lateral displacement under flight at the airborne path. Thus, it has been proven that the inverse dynamics method can be used to synthesize the prospective digital control systems for the airplane-type UAVs.
drone, flight and navigation system of an unmanned aircraft, lateral motion, angle of heel, aileron movement, airborne pathReferences
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