The method of formation of the optimum modes of the operated movement of tethered systems at the solution of practical tasks

Innovation technologies in aerospace activities


Kupreev S. A.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



To determine the major trends of application of tethered systems performing a wide range of practical tasks in space the effective method of optimum schemes formation of tethered systems operated movement based on the general integrated approach application is offered:

— determination according to preliminary data of the list of tasks which are reasonable to solve, using tethered systems [1–10];

— development of management methods of the relative movement of the connected objects in the course of expansion and functioning of tethered systems;

— determination of the possible modes of the movement of tethered system objects based on research of the sel ected management methods;

— determination of set of modes of tethered system movement by which each of the practical tasks can be solved;

— development of efficiency indicators allowing carrying out a comparative assessment of various modes of the movement of a sheaf for the solution of the considered task, and define a positive effect of the solution of this task with application of tethered system compared to traditionally used technical means;

— selection of such practical tasks where the use of the tethered system solution is reasonable, and to defining the modes of the movement of a sheaf which give the greatest effect fr om application of tethered system.

The realization of this approach is possible due to mathematical models of the operated movement of the connected objects in the form of nonlinear autonomous dynamic systems. For these dynamic systems based on the qualitative theory apparatus of dynamic systems and the theory of bifurcations [11, 12] such methods have been worked out and the studies of the operated movement of tethered systems have been carried out. The results give a general idea of the efficiency of application of tethered systems for the solution of the practical tasks considered in the paper.


tethered system, application of technology space tethers, modes of relative motion, placing into orbit


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