Comparison of data on the characteristics of Antarctic atmosphere surface layer of the with advanced Russian meteorological measuring tools and monitoring

Instruments and control methods of environment, substances, materials and products


Doronin D. O.1*, Kuprikov N. M.2**, Ivanov B. V.3***, Rabinsky L. N.2****

1. VNII «Okeanogeologii» named after I.S.Gamberg, 1, Angliyskiy prospect, St.Petersburg, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
3. Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, 38, Bering str., St.Petersburg, 199397, Russia



Having its interests in Arctic and Antarctic regions, Russian Federation is seeking maximum economic efficiency while designing and running this infrastructure. Making allowances for infrastructural limitations, proliferation of technologies and geography of exploiting it becomes quite clear that primary measure to provide competitive recovery of Russia in Polar Regions should be monitoring of environmental local objects, ships and aircrafts to support ecological balance and control technogenic impact on the environment.

The implementation of new information technologies, hardware and software, providing a competitive advantage will ensure safe and efficient operation of high-tech marine and aviation equipment. Development of polar transport infrastructure will ensure the growth cargo transportation reduce operational risks, enforce monitoring of local environmental objects and warnings on emergencies. The proposed technique will allow provide real-time operational control over the strategically important waters and borders for Russian Federation.

Intercalibration of monitoring data of polar geophysical and hydro meteorological conditions is necessary in the interest of aircraft operation. Significantly increased incidence of utterly severe weather events (local and deep cyclones, catastrophic floods, storm surges and wind, snow fracture of fast hamice, critical volumes of liquid or solid precipitation, snow , etc.) complicate the development of industry, infrastructure, and navigation on polar routes.

The state of the ice cover, temperature of the surface layer of air and circulation of the atmosphere, in general, are the most significant indicators of rapid changes in Polar climate system. Against the background of the observed current climate changes, resistive pattern of circulation processes in high latitudes also varies. Changes in traditional trajectories of polar cyclones contribute to the appearance of non-specific to the season’s ice conditions along Polar routes.

This is especially critical on the general background of reducing the thickness of multi-year ice and multi-year displacement (pack) ice thinner annuals.


Air temperature, Southern ocean, frontal zone, hydro meteorological device, Arctic, competitiveness, modernization, environmental safety


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