Rectilinear covert trajectories of the air object in the detection area of an onboard Doppler radar



Kirsanov A. P.*, Yampol'skii S. M.**

Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russia



An onboard radar operating in impulse—Doppler mode has the characteristic features of the detection zone. The feature lies in the fact that at every point of the detection zone an airborne object has a sector of directions, where the onboard Doppler radar will not detect it as long as it moves in these directions. This sector is called the sector of invisible motion directions of the flying object. Due to these features, there are hidden trajectories, and objects, flying along such trajectories can not be detected by an onboard Doppler radar such as AWACS radar. The most hidden trajectories are non-linear paths with variable curvature. However, under certain conditions, rectilinear secretive trajectories also exist. They are easier then nonlinear hidden trajectories, and therefore, are of a particular interest.

The article focuses on a rectilinear covert trajectory of the air-borne object within the viewing range of the mobile airborne Doppler radar. Such trajectories are characterized by simplicity of calculation and ease of implementation. The conditions are found under which rectilinear covert paths exist. The formulas for the calculation of the trajectories are derived. All sorts of secretive rectilinear trajectory are found. Schemes of the secretive movement on a straight-line trajectories in the coordinate system associated with a mobile Doppler radar are presented. Classification of rectilinear covert trajectories depending on the parameters of a movement of the air object and Doppler radar is presented.


detection zone of an onboard Doppler radar, covert trajectories, rectilinear movement


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