Comparison of attenuation of electromagnetic waves in the millimeter and infrared wave range in hydrometeor and dust



Bui C. T.*, Маrin D. V.**, Rastorguev V. V.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



At present, the safety of flight, take-off and landing of light aircrafts in condition of reduced optical visibility is of extreme importance. This paper considers the characteristics of attenuation of electromagnetic waves in the millimeter and infrared wave range contained in hydrometeor and dust with regard to the light aircrafts of, helicopters and drones flight safety systems. The radar of short range, created by a group of specialists of the Department of Radio Receivers at the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), allows create highly detailed radar image (e.g., area of the runway, taxiway) and thus ensure the safety of take-off and landing of aircrafts.

It should be noted that modern small aircraft, depending on the urgency of the tasks perform flight, takeoff and landing in conditions of limited or absence of optical visibility (for example, for helicopter meant for high-rise buildings firefighting systems).

So one of the important tasks in the design phase of the radar for the aircraft is the estimation of electromagnetic waves attenuation in the MM-wave range while their propagation in the atmosphere containing hydrometeors, sand and dust.

Given the proliferation of thermal imagers operating in the infrared range as the possible sensor of vision systems of aircraft and other vehicles, the article compares the characteristics of attenuation of electromagnetic waves in the millimeter and infrared ranges. Thus, a preliminary assessment of the possibility of using the on-board aircraft radar and thermal sensors when operating in conditions of poor optical visibility is given.

The article shows the advantages of the use of electromagnetic millimeter waves for aircraft compared with the infrared range for the vision systems of aircraft at the hydrometeor and dust. Comparing the results of attenuation evaluation of electromagnetic waves in the millimeter wavelength, with the results obtained for the infrared range of electromagnetic waves propagation in the atmosphere with the presence of hydrometeors can be seen that the infrared radiation is attenuated considerably stronger.


traffic safety, aircrafts, hydrometeors, dust, attenuation of electromagnetic, radio and infrared wave ranges, radiovision system


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