Algorithms for estimating of information processes probability characteristics on statistics of the exceedances above the given levels

System analysis, control and data processing


Kargin V. A.1*, Skorokhodov Y. A.1**, Nikolaev D. A.2***, Shovkalyuk A. P.3****

1. Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2. Special Design Bureau «Orion», 12, Tobolskaya str, St. Petersburg, 194044, Russia
3. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The subject of this paper is algorithms for information processes probability characteristics estimation. The aim is to organize and present the results of the basic scientific research on the carrier rockets telemetry data on-line processing. This work uses methods of system theory and system analysis theory, decision-making theory, probability theory and mathematical statistics, the theory of ejections of random processes trajectories, pattern recognition theory. Based on the studies of statistical characteristics of telemetry data obtained during the flight test of the carrier rockets such as «Soyuz» and the analysis of the on-board systems technical condition we propose classification of telemetric information «non-homogeneity» by nature of their images. The proposed classification of telemetered parameters structural-parametric non-homogeneity is the first step in the process of developing complex of models and mathematical tool for on-line processing of telemetry information. We suggest a method for nonlinear transformations estimation of information processes based on registration of the number of cross-cups of process realizations with specified levels. Based on analytical equations presented we developed original algorithms for probability characteristics estimation by statistics of «level exceedance». The developed algorithms use zero counters, they are rather simple for realization, and do not require great large computational cost. It all allows implement them for telemetry of rocket carrier at the boost phase automated system and obtain the estimates of telemetered parameters in a mode close to real-time mode.


characteristics of the «exceedances above the given levels», ejections of the random processes trajectories, online processing, telemetry information


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