Method of the airport capacity evaluation in dependence of the SID/STAR routings topology

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Filonova A. A.

Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, 20, Kronshtadskiy Bulvar, Moscow, 125993, Russia



Mathematical modeling is acknowledged method by analyzing the wide range of problems in the air traffic control purview. One of the actual problems in this scope is an estimation of the maximum throughput capacity (MTC) of the airport that can be expressed as an ultimate count of movements that can be performed on the runway system per a time unit in the presence of continuous demand. ICAO recommends using one hour as a most suitable time unit.

The critical overview of the models that includes the solving of the mentioned problem demonstrates that they are not able to consider the whole range of factors, which exert one’s influence on the MTC value, in particular lateral separation minima for the aircrafts following the same route or moving crossing tracks in the airport area.

This research expands the approach based on the space-temporal sampling (quantization) of the investigating process. This allows take in consideration the restrictions imposed by lateral separation minima by the estimation of MTC value. The offered analytical calculation of the saturation capacity value in dependence of the topology of SID/STAR takes place in terms of macro-characteristics that significantly reduce the dimension of the problem. One of these characteristics is topology «complexity» — the system of constraints imposed by separation minima on SID/STAR intersection. These characteristics could be expressed as scalar value. This paper investigates the impact of this value on MTC of the airport. As a second macro-characteristic is proposed to use the occupation numbers which are defined by analogy with quantum mechanics and represents the quantity of aircrafts which may be in the airport airspace without creating conflicts.

The evolution of air situation is described with Markov processes in discrete state space. The system of hypotheses allows us to express conditional probabilities of transitions between states of stochastic process in analytical form. An assessment for MTC of the airport and study its dependence from topology «complexity» provide on the basis of steady-state solutions.

There is the software developed that allows to estimate the MCT for the real airports using the logic of the macro-characteristic model. As an example the capacity for three Moscow airports is estimated. According the results the topology of SID/STAR can reduce the MCT up to 10 percent of the full runway capacity.


maximum throughput capacity, airport airspace quantum model, airport airspace topology


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