The system of satellite control of aircraft systems (Unified Information System Of Interaction (

Information and measuring and control systems


Kachalin A. M.1*, Zadorozhnaja O. N.2*

1. ,
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Currently in the world there is an urgent practical need for a creation of single information system for operational awareness of the movement of aircrafts of various departments of airspace users.

If we talk about safety, it is directly related to the operational situational awareness of the progress of the flight. This also applies to operational awareness in the air and on the ground. Over time there will appear more and more modern means of operational monitoring and registering the crash site, the aircrafts will no longer disappear without a trace, but this is not the goal of solving the existing problems. The most important goal is to always avoid losing aircrafts out of sight with the help of the new information technologies.

The system is based on the statement: «Improving safety is ensured by the development of operational information interaction between the airspace users (ATC, airports, airlines, etc.) in order to create safe and efficient flow of aircrafts both on the ground, and during all the phases of flight».

Today the solution to this problem in the Russian Federation should not be considered outdated in comparison with the achievements of other countries. The staff of the Resource Center of Scientific Research and Innovative Technologies (RC SRIT) MAI (National Research University) together with specialists of LLC «Softaero», FSUE «GosNIIAS», and the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (Russian Academy of Sciences) developed and brought to practical application the Unified Information System Of Interaction (, aimed at solving tasks of automatic control of flows of aircrafts. This system of operational situational awareness is based on cloud technology in order to provide information service to air traffic control, airports, airlines and handling companies. The system analyzes the current air situation and recommends actions for the organization of stable (safe and efficient) course of arrivals (Aman) and departures (academy) of aircrafts.

The project has passed the «point of no return» and today the projects are in the preparation phase of the implementation of for foreign airlines. Other goals are creation of learning courses using on-line situations from, the interaction with EUROCONTROL, preparation of other special projects. It is worth noting that the complex is being developed by national enterprises with 100% national software and national equipment like transmitters via the iridium satellite network, AZN-V 1090, video cameras and other components. This system is successfully tested on the aircrafts of Russia, can be also used on ground vehicles, including combat vehicles and on ships.


flight safety, operational situational awareness, information complex, satellite-based monitoring


  1. Solov’ev Yu.A. Sistemy sputnikovoi navigatsii (Satellite navigation systems) Moscow, Eco-Trends, 2000, 270 p.

  2. Kharisov V.N., Perov A.I., Boldin V.A. Global’naya sputnikovaya radionavigatsionnaya sistema GLONASS (Global satellite navigation system GLONASS), Moscow, IMPRGR, 1998, 400 p.

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