Elements of Method of plan view formation on the layout scheme synthesis stage of front-line aircraft constructed by the normal balancing scheme and with internal cargo bays

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Dolgov O. S.*, Bibikov S. Y.**

*e-mail: dolgov@mai.ru
**e-mail: batmail79@mail.ru


This article describes the main elements of a method, which allows to generate the aircraft plan view with a minimum number of iterations (revisions after aerodynamic and weight calculations results). The elements of the method are described by the example of the front-line aircraft layout scheme development (synthesis), front-line aircraft model (with two engines and internal cargo bays) made by the normal balancing scheme. The synthesis is carried out on the basis of pre-defined design parameters, constraints, and solutions, which are set by the designer, based on parametric relations and statistical relationships analysis.

Designer need to determine the so-called «Layout Field» on the stage of aircraft layout scheme synthesis. «Layout Field» is a plan view on the aircraft geometric shape formation initial stage. Plan view determines the load-bearing capacity and area chart, which defines aircraft volume and wave component in the aerodynamic drag increase.

Aircraft plan view formation — is, traditionally, the first stage of geometric shape design. At the beginning of this stage constructor needs to determine:

— The area of the plan view.

— Restriction on the transverse dimension of the plan view (wingspan), if available.

— A limit on the size of the plan longitudinal view (aircraft length).

— Limit on the width of the fuselage side ( distance of the wing chord side).

— The position of the wing along the length of the aircraft.

— The position of the center of mass (to a first approximation).

— Variants of the cargo bays, air intakes and engines location (interconnected with each other).

— Engines position along the length of the aircraft.

— Air intakes position along the length of the aircraft.

— The parameters of the horizontal tail (area and shoulder).

— The position of the aerodynamic focus and the center of the sail of the plan view.

After that, the designer checks the feasibility of the given boundary conditions.

Feasibility of the boundary conditions сhecking is carried out to control the results of the method. Checking algorithm is reduced to compare results, which were obtained at this stage, whit previously determined design parameters. If the boundary conditions are not met, the designer performs a variation of decisions determining the schemes synthesis, beginning, in order, with the least important, up to the boundary conditions feasibility. If it’s impossible to fulfill one or more conditions, this variant of the scheme is not considered further.

Due to verify the boundary conditions feasibility, the possibility of reducing the number of unnecessary options is realized at this stage, and thereby this will reduce labor and time for further analysis.

After checking the boundary conditions feasibility, the designer carries out a further scheme synthesis. There is a study of the longitudinal and cross sections, layout elements placing, mass and aerodynamic performance calculation.


layout, area, parameter, synthesis, compare


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