Using brute force to optimize the space structure multiposition radar system

Radiolocation and radio navigation


Ashurkov I. S.1*, Leshko N. A.1**, Kakaev V. V.2***

1. Higher Military School of Air Defense, 28, Moskovsky avenue, Yaroslavl, 150001, Russia
2. Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The purpose of this article is development of solution algorithm of optimization task of multiposition radar system space structure with uncooperative source of illumination given the limitations for mutual location of the MPRS elements and also limitations for quality of radar system information.

For the solution of the task, there was determined target function — cross section of the working zone of MP RS on the given height of the target flight. We chose the criterion of optimality — maximum of target function and stated the limitations. The area of analysis is presented in a form of discrete set for which maximum possible number of variants of MPRS space structure is determined. Then, using the brute force method we determine the value of target function for every structure variant satisfying the given limitations and choose a variant with which maximum target function is achieved. The choice of optimal variant of space structure allows us to fully realize potential possibilities of MPRS for the detection of objects and measure of their coordinates.

There was offered an algorithm of solution of optimization task and the results were obtained of the optimization of the space structure of the multiposition radar system with uncooperative source of illumination and three receiving stations. Efficiency of the use of algorithm is assessed by the value of coefficient of working zone increasing.


multi-position radar system, uncooperative source of illumination, optimization of the space structure, brute force


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