Influence of geometrical characteristics on the vortex structure in the pulse combustion chamber

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Isaev A. I.1*, Mairovich Y. I.2**, Safarbakov A. M.2***, Khodatskii S. A.2****

1. Irkutsk branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, (MSTUCA), 3, Kommunarov str., Irkutsk, 664047, Russia
2. Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Irkutsk Branch, 139, Sovetskaya str., Irkutsk, 664047, Russia



The pulse combustion chamber is involve: flame tube head, designed in the form of a check valve; parallel portion volume for mixing fuel with air and combustion; gas collector for flow throttling; pulse fuel nozzle for fuel feeding; spark plug, igniting the fuel-air mixture; peripheral flow swirler. Creating a volume circulation zone is one of essential points in pulse combustion chamber design because it has a great effect on burning in the pulse combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine. Availability of circulation zones in a pulse combustion chamber determines air-fuel mixing efficiency, which in its turn influences the value of propulsive burn and release of NOX, CO and other pollutants. That is why it is very important to know the structure of the flow in the combustion chamber. It is effected by many factors but only some of them considerably change the size of circulation zones. They are DКС combustion chamber diameter, DС diameter of outlet section of the combustion chamber gas collector. One effective way of flow structure controlling is using of the flow swirlers in the pulse combustion chamber Control actions of the circulation zone size are geometrical characteristics of the swirler which  include swirler blade angle, swirler blade height, swirler blade pitch, swirler blade chord length, swirler blade camber. Researches have been implemented in the experimental unit known as «gidrobasseyn» by varying of above-listed factors. As a result of the hydrodynamical research were identified the best geometrical adjectives of the flow swirler, blade angle of the flow swirler , blade height , height of the blade chord, blade pitch of the flow swirler  which equal to 10 blades. The combustion chamber diameter will be define by lean on diameter of a gas turbine engine midsection and diameter of the pulse combustion chamber adjutage . Aggregate result of the researches is significantly increase of the circulation zones. Experimental research of the above-mentioned factors determines the best geometrical characteristics of the pulse combustion chamber, optimal control action on the circulation zone size and the whole research resulted in considerable increase of circulation zones.


swirler, pulse combustion chamber, flame tube head, recirculation mixing zone


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