The decision support system for justification of selection of design parameters for stand-alone energy systems

Mathematica modeling, numerical technique and program complexes


Bobronnikov V. Т.*, Tereshchenko T. S.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



One of the significant problems for the consumers, who has made the decision to pass to the stand-alone energy systems based on alternative energy sources is the choice of components meeting his requirements and effective in the climatic conditions of operation of the system.

The research objective is development of the layout of decision support system (DSS) to justify the selection of design parameters for stand-alone energy systems based on renewable energy sources — wind and Sun. Such systems are particularly often used by consumers located in remote areas where there is no possibility of using traditional energy network.

Simulation modeling of functioning of stand-alone energy system as nonlinear dynamic system, including main devices which are its part (solar panel, wind turbines, diesel generators, energy storage) and also the random natural factors significantly influencing its functioning, such as wind, solar radiation and cloudiness is provided in a software complex.

The key indicators of efficiency are the cost of acquisition, deployment and operation of system, and reliability (continuity) of supply to the consumer the necessary energy.

The developed simulation models allow to obtain more exact and approximate to real conditions of operation, results, when forming stand-alone system from the existing components for specific consumers taking into account amount of the energy consumed by them, geographical and climatic features.

The description of structure of the software complex that implements decision support system and reflect interaction of system components with each other and with factors of external environment is also submitted in the paper. Layouts of the interface of the program and numerical results received by means of DSS are given.

The decision support system is supposed to be used for an assessment of efficiency and comparison of various options of creation of stand-alone energy systems and formulation of recommendations about its application, including in aerospace industry.


decision support system, simulation modeling, stand-alone energy systems


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