Dispersion-reinforced composites experimental and theoretical studies as applied to the problems of the aerospace industry

Deformable body mechanics


Yershova A. Y.*, Martirosov M. I.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: Yershova_A@mail.ru


Composite structures are introduced into the aircraft industry very rapidly, ranging from small nonessential components to the most important systems. This tendency is associated primarily with the possibilities opened by the implementation of new materials, which in aerospace industry cannot be done without significant volume of research effort on studying physical and mechanical features of the composites, and methods for evaluating their performance. In this regard, the study of granular composites based on unsaturated polyesters requires a separate study, development of techniques of carrying out experiments to determine the mechanical characteristics and properties, selection of appropriate constitutive equations for describing the features of the mechanical behavior of the material.

Due to its properties, and mechanical properties one of the most interesting and promising types of polymer composites is injection molding artificial stone, which is a structural composite material, which main components are unsaturated polyester resin and inert granular filler. The article presents an experimental study of the mechanical properties of casting artificial stone, namely, equipment selection for the experiment, developing methods and conducting experiments to determine mechanical characteristics of the material.

The results of mechanical tests allowed, firstly, define elastic characteristics of a new class of granular composites based on unsaturated polyesters — artificial injection-molded stone. Factors of compliance and calibration the fracture toughness experimental values are the intensity of energy release G1С and critical value of stress intensity factor К1С. A comparison of the mechanical characteristics of the material obtained with different types of tests was made. The obtained values of the mechanical characteristics appeared to be comparable with the characteristics of natural stone.

It is shown that the material properties strongly depend on the type of stress state. The technique of determining the parameters of the equations is adopted to describe the established dependence of the elastic characteristics from the type of stress state. The obtained values of the parameters defining relations allow solve wide range of problems on stress-strain state and health products of the artificial injection-molded stone.

Currently this material is used in aviation and aerospace, as non-radioactive and light finishing material.


experimental studies, elastic properties of a material, polymeric composites, granular composites, artificial injection-molded stone


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