On observability issues in temperature calibration of inertial measurement units

Navigation instruments


Tarygin I. E.*, Kozlov A. V.**

Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia

*e-mail: i.tarygin@gmail.com
**e-mail: a.kozlov@navlab.ru


The paper treats the modification of previously developed inertial measurement unit (IMU) calibration technique [1-3, 8] that uses a single axis turntable of a low grade with horizontal axis of rotation. It allows multitude of parameters to be determined in a simple experiment which requires neither to meet any strict conditions nor to obtain any measurements fr om a test bench. Originally, the method was designed to estimate null biases, errors of scaling factors and sensitive axis misalignments of IMU sensors. Having been tested in industry for IMUs of different grades for a long time, this method proved its suitability and shows a great potential for extension. Previously it was shown how calibration method can be modified in order to account for sensor error model parameters variation over temperature [3]. The present work aims to include temperature time derivative variations as well.

Temperature time derivative variations in sensor output are commonly observed in fiber optic gyroscopes [4, 5]. Conventional approach considers conducting a special experiment for these variations to be determined. We suggest an extension of the method mentioned above that treats the introduction of the coefficients of temperature time derivative variations of instrumental error parameters into sensor measurement model. The calibration experiment left the same, except that temperature time derivative is expected to be non-constant to ensure the observability of these coefficients. Our study is intended to understand which temperature variation patterns establish good observability of desired coefficients, which of them do not and so on.

The paper provides analytical investigation of the observability of time-temperature derivative coefficients and investigation via covariation modeling. Two different temperature experiments are considered: the self-heating of the IMU and a calibration experiment carried out in a thermal chamber wh ere temperature is automatically controlled and decreases and increases linearly over time. Both of these two modes are examined in terms of possibility to determine coefficients of inertial sensor error variation due to the change of temperature time derivative.


strapdown inertial navigation system, temperature calibration, fiber optic gyroscope


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  8. Vavilova N.B., Golovan A.A., Kal’chenko A.O. Trudy MAI, 2015, no. 84: http://www.mai.ru/science/trudy/published.php?ID=63092

  9. Vavilova N.B., Vasineva I.A., Parusnikov N.A. Trudy MAI, 2015, no. 84: http://www.mai.ru/science/trudy/published.php?ID=63069


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