Primary information conductometric water transducers features under conditions of slowly varying ambient temperature

Instruments and control methods of environment, substances, materials and products


Rybin Y. M., Ageev I. M.*, Bubnova M. D.**, Shishkin G. G.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The paper presents the long-term fluctuations of the distilled water conductivity obtained experimentally. It shows that those fluctuations presents the cause of water conductivity temperature coefficient values variations in primary information conductometric water transducers.

The method is based on the earlier discovered phenomenon of water electric conductivity properties changes under magnetic field impact. The experimental study of various physical factors affecting water presents significant difficulties. Thus, at this stage of study the most important task consists in improvement of instrumentation and measuring technique to provide measurement repetition and obtain accurate and reliable experimental data.

The measured values of the distilled water conductivity temperature coefficient in the conductometric cell is largely dependent on the rate of temperature change in the course of measurement process. The lower the speed herewith, the greater the deviation from the TAP table value of 2%/°C. With classical linear temperature dependence of water electrical conductivity superimposed by large enough statistically significant long term variations thereof observed at temperature changes speeds of dT/dt less than 0.1°C/h, and possibly due to fluctuations in the basic mobility of charge carriers in water — hydrogen ions. The time dependence of the distilled water electrical conductivity at slow changes of its temperature has a pronounced cyclical abnormity.

The presented study provides a starting-point for further research.

Thus, the developed water electric sensors and instrumentations allow measuring and studying weak ELF magnetic fields excited in near-Earth space. The measuring problem of ELF weak magnetic fields caused by ionosphere phenomena and associated with solar activity effect on Earth space is of great interest for both scientific and practical applications. The study of magnetic field impact on water is very important for magnitobiology, water physics, as well as for solar-earth connections and solar activity effect on biosphere and noosphere. From a practical standpoint, this problem is very important for determination of ELF wave effect on space radio channels parameters of aerospace information system.


conductometric cells, water sensor, temperature coefficient of conductivity, long-term fluctuation hydraulic conductivity, water sensors, thermal conductivity coefficient, long-term fluctuations of water conductivity


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