The usage of wireless communication systems for the operational management of mining equipment

Systems, networks and telecommunication devices


Klebanova I. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article describes the functionality of the Mine Fleet Management Systems (MFMS), and basic requirements for the selection of wireless radio systems to ensure their effective functioning in the conditions of the mining companies.

In surface mining the most widely used for dispatch tasks are the following wireless communication systems: VHF, trunking system (TETRA), GSM and broadband systems and technologies for wireless data transmission: WiFi, WiMax, specialized standards providing MESH networking.

Organization of the reliable communication system is the core element in deployment of MFMS for solving the following tasks: operational management of the mining equipment and optimizing scheduling of vehicles, reliable transmitting data to the dispatch center without delays, interrupts and data loss.

Wireless systems for MFMS should provide:

  • transmission of telemetry from each vehicles to dispatch center, control commands and text messages from the dispatch server and users to mining equipment;

  • downloading log files, containing service information about the work of systems and equipment;

  • transfer of updated application files to the mining equipment and vehicles;

  • Remote connection to control panel of operators of mining equipment;

  • Transmission of differential corrections from the navigation receivers using RTK mode.


  1. Today’s broadband communication system with MESH technology and high-precision positioning are widely used in solving problems of operational management of mining equipment for surface mining.

  2. The article gives examples of practical implementation of the MFMS with different communication systems. Experience in usage of wireless systems for dispatch tasks in mining industry is useful in the implementation of similar projects in other industries.


broadband radio systems, communications, wireless, GLONASS / GPS, Mine fleet management systems, dispatch, the access point, the MESH technology, wi-fi, open pit mining


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