Useful signal detection against the background of active jamming signals in full polarization basis with known inter-channel correlation matrix

Radiolocation and radio navigation


Agapov O. A.

Science Research Institute for Long Distance Radio communication, NIIDAR, 10, build.5, 8 March str., Moscow, 127083, Russia



The presented work deals with useful signal detection algorithm synthesis against the background of active jamming Gaussian interfering signals under known radar station inter-channel correlation matrix, operating at full polarizing receiving and emission. Operation at full polarizing receiving and emission means the possibility to emit various signals at various kinds of polarization (such as horizontal and vertical), as well as distinguish various components in the polarizing basis of the impinging wave. As an example this work analyses the radar station, which antennae represents a certain antenna array, consisting of similar elementary emitters. Each of these elementary emitters is cross-shaped and consists of two independent orthogonal dipoles. In the process of emission each dipole radiates the signal on the same carrier frequency but with different envelopes. While receiving a signal each dipole is connected to its receiving channel.

Synthesis of the algorithm was carried out in the framework of an adaptive Bayesian approach [8]. The algorithm is reduced to the decision rules of a useful signal, which is defined as a comparison of the crucial statistics value with a certain threshold determined for a given probability of false alarm Z > h0 . The logarithm of the crucial statistics is determined as:

where U — matrix of dimension 2P × 2 (P — the number of channels), defined by the relation:

  — factors of the phase distribution of the useful signal by the aperture array, wherein ;  — matrix of N × 2 dimension (N — a number of time samples in the reception interval) of the desired signal. Its columns represent the expected signals from the first and the second polarizer. Each of the signals herewith is normalized R — inter-channel correlation matrix; Y — observation matrix of 2P × N dimension. The first row of the matrix corresponds to a sequence of complex time samples received from the first receiving unit and a first polarization channel. The second line corresponds to the sequence of time samples received from the first receiving unit and the second polarization channel. And it is true for all the rows. This work allows obtain performance evaluation of the presented algorithm. It shows that if active jamming signal circularly or linearly polarized, this algorithm allows detect the useful signal even of the same direction, from which the jamming signal comes.


full reception polarization, full polarization radiation, Bayesian adaptive approach, Bayesian approach, interference, correlation matrix, polarization


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