Numerical simulation of detonation initiation in a kerosene-air gas-droplet mixture impinging shock wave

Fluid, gas and plasma mechanics


Gidaspov V. Y.*, Moskalenko O. A.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The paper studies the process of detonation initiation of a of gas-droplet kerosene-air mixture incidental shock wave in a shock tube. A simplified physical-mathematical model of the process was developed. Drops of hydrocarbon fuel are considered as a single component of fuel droplets evaporation and gas-phase chemical transformations. The paper focuses on mass fraction droplets in the processes of detonation wave formation and propagation in the channel.

The authors propose consistent methods of recovery according to the reference data on the thermal part of the Gibbs potential of gasoline, kerosene and diesel fuel in liquid and gaseous states.

The results, obtained by numerical simulation time scanning process, encompass the following:

  • Interaction of the incident shock wave with kerosene-air gas-droplet mixture; heating of the combustible mixture; evaporation of kerosene droplets with the subsequent exothermic gas-phase chemical transformations;

  • Formation of compression waves;

  • Formation and distribution of the detonation wave;

  • Output of the detonation wave in the mode close to the stationary one.

By computation, we found and observed experimentally two fire-ignition modes of the combustible mixture.


numerical simulation, metallic fuel, chemical reactions, phase transitions, combustion, detonation


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