Supersonic aircraft with a rocket positioned asymmetrically on an elastic wing balancing

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles
Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
While aircraft developing and upgrading, the research on its balancing capability during various flight phases and with various types and versions of air-launched weapons (ALW) allocation including asymmetric configuration [1, 2] is carried out. This process consists in definition of required corners of controls displacement and the bank angle value. Flight tests provide the most reliable estimation of balance characteristics. However, carrying out such tests is accompanied by huge material and time expenses. Moreover, such process sometimes presents considerable risk.
In references [3, 7] at calculation of balance characteristics of an aircraft with ALW allocated asymmetrically underneath the wing, the interference between them is not considered. Nevertheless, during some flight phases there is a significant interference between the aircraft wing and ALW. This interaction is characterized by occurrence of horizontal, vertical and lateral interference forces [4–6]. Significant values of interference forces alter aircraft aerodynamic characteristics, so that trim angles of controls displacement and bank angle value changes. Besides, significant in magnitude interference forces lead to occurrence additional wing bending and torques which deform an aicraft wing. Thus, design out and application of the techniques, allowing consider influence of interference interaction between an elastic wing and asymmetrically disposed ALW on aircraft trim, is a topical problem.
supersonic flight, balancing, aerodynamic interference, elastic wing, reliabilityReferences
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