Manufacturability estimation of aircraft’s pipeline systems in the early stages of design

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Kolykhalov D. G.*, Sysoev O. E.**, Ivanov I. N.***

Komsomolsk-na-Amure State University, 27, Lenina str., Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 681013, Russia



“Manufacturability”, as a concept for complex technical products or systems is a complex of characteristics that determine the ease of manufacture, the unification, standardization and interoperability, as well as the economic costs of production and operation.

Manufacturability can be considered a product that requires no special difficulties in the manufacture, does not require large economic costs, consists of a minimum number of parts, uniformly and maintainable.

In the early stages of the design, you can pre-determine the technological operations of aircraft’s pipeline systems production, from the shape of pipelines can be concluded about the complexity of the product as a whole.

Designers solve the problem of pipelines, their modification and analysis of the design decisions in the early stages of aircraft’s hydraulic systems design. For this purpose, use specialized CAD-system. The degree of complexity of e-pipe model increases with the transition to the next stages of design. For example, in the early stages of design (preliminary design) designer carries out the basic units in the compartments, pipe lines appear simplistic. Connecting fittings and fasteners are not being worked. Later model detail, broken down into its assembly units, standard products.

As a result, at the final stage of the electronic layout design is a high degree of approximation of the real piping system as an integral and inseparable part of the electronic product layout.

Analyzing the possibility of splitting pipelines in some areas can offer an estimation of pipelines manufacturability for two incoming assembly zones: pipes and piping sections made entirely of tube billets with an additional study of the process.

Evaluation manufacturability pipes and pipe sections are based on a comparison of the resulting configuration, taking into account the complexity of manufacturing, and configuration, taking into account the direct unprocessed portions of the pipeline.

Factors that were taken into account when calculating the manufacturability:

— total number of straight sections;

— total number of bevel angles in the plane;

— total number of bevel angles in two planes;

— total amount of bending angle;

— total number of rotation angles;

— total number of processed ends;

— total number of steeply curved horn-shaped areas;

— total number of flanged holes in the pipe wall.

To evaluate the manufacturability can set the threshold value of the coefficient manufacturability (eg — 0.5) below which assume that the estimated element has a low manufacturability, higher — high manufacturability. However, the productions often use the concept of “level of manufacturability”, We know about the four levels. In this regard, we can establish the following ranges of values ​​of the coefficients for the comparative assessment of manufacturability:

— first (0.70 ... 1.0) — a high level of manufacturability;

— second (0.40 ... 0.69) — the average level of manufacturability;

— third (0.20 ... 0.39) — Low level of manufacturability;

— fourth (0.05 ... 0.19) — very low level of manufacturability.

Pipeline with low manufacturability may have very high durability, reliability and survivability performance. However, the cost of producing this kind of products is very high and can be justified in some cases, in the production of rocket, space and military equipment. An improvement in manufacturability for mass production of civil aircraft becomes very relevant, since it increases the efficiency of production by reducing the complexity and the use of the most efficient processes.


manufacturability, manufacturability coefficient, pipeline systems, aircraft


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