On capability of airborne radar implementation enhancement

Radiolocation and radio navigation


Rastorguev V. V.*, Nuzhdin V. M.**, Konovaltsev A. V.**, Ananenkov A. E.**, Маrin D. V.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: rast@mai.ru
**e-mail: kaf407@mai.ru
***e-mail: marindv@gmail.com


The article deals with the topical issue of onboard radar functional capabilities enhancement. The compact multi-mode airborne radar (CMMAR) is designed for mapping and radar monitoring of the Earth’s surface on board the aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Onboard monitoring is especially important in the development of natural resources, fire-fighting and search and rescue operations in remote areas with severe climatic conditions, when difficult to observe in the optical range.

The placement of aerial vehicles (AV) and UAVs in such areas at stationary airfields with well-developed engineering infrastructure are not always possible due to the limited operating range (shoulder): aircraft — carrier. This circumstance forces the use of temporary airfields either. Ensuring the safety of the temporary airfield takes time and considerable expenditure on technical equipment. Thus, a new feature of the CMMAR consists in the territory protection mode with a fixed placement of this radar on the aerodrome.

The article discusses the main shortcomings of the existing technical means of protection areas, and formulates a list of requirements for advanced system protection, allowing show the obvious advantage of using radar in areas with harsh climatic and weather conditions.

The main objective of protection mode in CMMAR is detecting unauthorized approach to the area of protection and violation of its borders by small-sized objects. The article describes technical characteristics of known specialized radars — the closest analogs to the protection mode. Comparative analysis of the performance revealed that the CMMAR in guard mode stays, in general, at the level of the existing modern specialized radars. Nevertheless, the main and principally irremovable drawback of using specialized radar is the necessity of their acquisition, installation and activation, as well as personnel training and operating costs.

The paper presents the evaluation of low-speed and small-sized objects detection range, such as a human person, which demonstrated the ability to achieve detection target values in guard mode unnatural for the designed onboard radar.


multifunctional radar, territory protection mode, small-sized target detection, moving target detection


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