Structural and parametrical synthesis of rational onboard discriminating device as a part of an unmanned aerial vehicle

System analysis, control and data processing


Guseynov A. B.*, Makhovykh A. V.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Modern military and technical concepts of precision weapons creation and development provide us with system approach to develop perspective flying vehicles (FV) and their onboard structures with elements of artificial intelligence, including, automatic subsystems of images recognition. These devices provide identification of the true targets from false. Implementation of such devices along with modern computer facilities allow in general exclude the human operator, increase quality, speed of decision making and efficiency of task accomplishment. The purpose of this work consists in development of a system technique, models and the flowchart of the structural and parametrical analysis and synthesis of project decisions for the onboard distinguishing device as a part of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This work states the technique of forming the rational shape of the onboard distinguishing device as a part of an unmanned aerial vehicle based on complex “Сost—Efficiency” criterion, and formulates matrix of the signs characterizing an object from the recognition viewpoint. It presents structurally functional scheme of the distinguishing device. For recognition efficiency evaluation of an object the rule of risk minimization called a Bayesian method of probability of an object, belonging to classes true and false is used. Technical similarity of an object and reference is determined by average probability of recognition over the whole range of a sign distribution law numeric indices variation as a random variable. Problem definitions of the structural analysis and synthesis, as well as parametrical optimization are formulated. The flowchart and methods of the solution of tasks based on complex criterion — a minimum of task accomplishment cost with the preset efficiency are formulated. The system methodology presented in this work can be applied to the complex analysis and synthesis of project decisions on UAV shape and its separate subsystems.


unmanned aerial vehicle, distinguishing device


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