Database design methods for command and control special-purpose systems

Mathematical support and software for computers, complexes and networks


Dudakov N. S.1*, Makarov K. V.1**, Timoshenko A. V.2***

1. Group of Companies «RTI», 10/1, 8 Marta str., Moscow, 127083, Russia
2. Radiotechnical Institute named after academician A.L. Mintz, 10-1, str. 8 March, Moscow, 127083, Russia

***e-mail: atimoshenko@rti-mintsu


The purpose of this article is development of database design methods for command and control special-purpose systems.

It is shown that the use of the all-purpose client-server databases for solving the air force and air defense tasks leads to poor query performance. In some cases, the use of more simple distributed databases allows reducing the query time by 90%, but the amount of data does not allow using them as a single solution.

It is proposed that in dealing with heterogeneous highly dynamic tasks, it more effective to use a special-designed database in order to meet the requirements of the designed system.

Given the lack of scientific and methodological methods for selection of proper software in the design of the database, the article offers a method of formalizing requirements for the composition and structure of the DBMS to solve the required tasks.

The article provides a way of grouping and quantitative description of the requirements at the stage of conceptual design of DBMS, which forms the space on the basis of the requirements specification while modeling each task as the DBMS client.

It is shown that in case of the total area of a the requirements of a certain type, it is effective to use an inhomogeneous distributed DBMS. Thus, with weakly bound heterogeneous data and the anticipated load, the article proposes to use multiple databases, each of which handles a particular piece of data. Continuous data partitioning and management of the database structure allows having a data partition that provides better performance.

The article provides the technique of the requirements substantiation to the structure and characteristics of DBMS for command and control special-purpose systems.

It is shown, that the developed technique for DBMS design can increase query performance by more than twice in air force and air defense tasks.


database management systems, command and control systems software requirements


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