Long-term strength curves Produced by Linear Viscoelasticity Theory combined with failure criteria accounting for strain history

Deformable body mechanics


Khokhlov A. V.

Institute of Mechanics Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1, Michurinsky prospect, Moscow, 119192, Russia

e-mail: andrey-khokhlov@ya.ru


Interaction of the linear viscoelasticity constitutive equation with several failure criteria is studied under uni-axial creep conditions in order to simulate creep rupture and to assess lifetime of viscoelastoplastic materials or structural elements. The limit strain criterion and two proposed new families of hereditary failure criteria are considered. They are constructed to take into account a whole creep curve and damage evolution. The proposed failure criteria families depend on a positive real parameter and include the limit strain criteria as a particular (limit) case. Every criterion of the first family yields rapture time that is greater than the one given by the limit strain criteria and every second family criterion yields rapture time that is less (or equal) than the lifetime given by the limit strain criteria. The difference between the predicted creep lives can be made negligibly small or considerably large. The failure criteria governing parameters regulate their memory fading rates and provide an additional option to tune the model and fit it to creep rapture test data.

Equations of long-term strength curves generated by three chosen failure criteria are derived for arbitrary creep function. Their general qualitative properties and their dependences on the criteria governing parameter and creep function are studied analytically and compared to each other. It is proved that qualitative properties of all three theoretic long-term strength curves are the same as basic properties of typical test long-term strength curves of viscoelastoplastic materials. Thus, coupling the linear viscoelasticity constitutive equation with fracture criteria considered in the paper provides adequate qualitative description of creep rupture and lifetime of viscoelastoplastic materials and structural elements.


viscoelastоplasticity, creep, fracture criteria, mean creep rate, creep life, long-term strength curves


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