Signal generation on mnemonic indicator for manual thrust control mode during landing approach

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Mulin P. V.*, Berezuev A. V.**



The subject of research and development consists in signal generation on a mnemonic indicator algorithm development for a seaborne aircraft. Research methods include system analysis, synthesis of structures and algorithms, simulation. The work aimed at a signal generation on the mnemonic indicator technique determination. The model included atmospheric turbulence, the mnemonic indicator, dynamic airplane control structure, and aircraft dynamics. The simulation models consisted of multiple systems of differential equations. The system was linearized for simulation. The signal generation on mnemonic indicator technique is offered for a seaborne aircraft manual thrust control mode during landing approach. Its basis is formed by complexation of signals, indicating flight speed deflection, angle of attack deflection and normal acceleration component, with no delay in a control loop. It allows correct dynamic characteristics of angle of attack thrust control loop, make them similar to flight speed deviation control, and simplifying by this the pilot’s task of aircraft holding in an permissible zone of the angle of attack variation in conditions of wind disturbances.

Angle of attack control loop modeling for manual thrust control mode in the conditions of wind action were carried out. The Dryden gust model and a Monte Carlo simulation approach were used. Recommendations on a signal generation at the input of the mnemonic indicator algorithm parameters are given.


thrust control, angle of attack, mnemonic indicator, seaborne aircraft


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