Features of using functionally redundant accelerometer blocks in strapdown navigation and gravimetric complexes

Navigation instruments


Tiuvin A. V., Afonin A. A.*, Sulakov A. S.*

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: kaf305-mai@mail.ru


This article deals with questions of strapdown graviinertial complex (BGK) efficient version design, redundant structure of its primary information sensors and advanced functional operation algorithm, making it possible to achieve sufficient accuracy of vector gravimetric measurements and determine the orientation and navigation parameters. The purpose is achieved through the use of functionally redundant blocks of inertial sensors, as well as through evaluation and correction of errors of inertial and satellite components of complex navigation system directly in the gravimetric survey.

Functional algorithm is based on the basic equation of the inertial navigation with the use of optimal Kalman filtering methods in the case of a tightly coupled structure of a complex navigation system. The technique of functionally redundant blocks inertial sensors data treatment is presented.

The listed mathematical expression are showing that an increase in the number of block units increases strapdown graviinertial complex accelerometers accuracy.

A method of selecting a rational design of the accelerometers block with cone structure is describe. It is indicated that, in general, the best half-angle of the cone depends on the ratio of measurer statistical error model coefficients and the value of the measured vector.

Calculations of inertial measurement unit with cone structures optimal configurations have shown that increasing the level of inertial measurement unit redundancy increases considered technical solution efficiency. For example, compared with the three sensors inertial measurement unit, in the case of four sensors influence the random error can be reduced by 14%, for the five sensors — 23%, six — 29%.


strapdown graviinertial complex, functionally redundant block, optimal estimation, vector gravimetric measurements, functional algorithm


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