Airborne radar antenna array test at the antenna measuring and computing complex

Radio engineering, including TV systems and devices


Dobychina E. M.*, Snastin M. V.**, Obukhov A. E.***, Haralgin S. V.****

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The paper considers the antennae arrays testing set carried out at the anechoic chamber (AEC). Automated measuring and computing complex (AMCC) was used for high-frequency feeders of centimeter and millimeter band slotted waveguide antenna arrays (SWAA), mm-band preamplifier parameters, estimating of mm-band airborne radar radome parameters, transparent radome influence at the mm-band SWAA performance measurement. Comparisson of the basic measured parameters with same antenna array measurements at the far field test range is presented.

To define SWAA gain the absolute reflection from a mirror technique was applied. Its idea consists in comparing reflection coefficients from the fider matched measured space radiating antennae arry (AR) input, and from the input of the same antennae with a reflecting surface, installed at some distance of R in front of it. It may be either flat screen, or reflector. The matching disruption is explained by the antennae input impedance change affected by the flat screen, which is equivalent to the effect of the same antennae, but located at the distance of 2R and operating with opposite oscillation phase.

The gain measurement error value caused by chamber walls reflections, and nonideal antennae input and fider matching, while oprating in free radiation mode, were defined by statistical averaging of measurement results obtained for various distances to the reflector.

Experimental studies of absolute antenna gain measurement absolute reflection from a mirror technique demonstrated measurement accuracy of about of 0.5 dB match with far field relative technique measurements. These studies proved the possibility of narrow beam antenna array measurement at the near field. In the course of the studies another antennae parameters measurement technique was mastered, and a series of experiments was carried out.

Anechoic chambers impllementation allows signifficantly reduce or even completely eliminate the far field test range tests. It leads to significant cost and time savings associated with complex electronic equipment development.


Anechoic chamber, near field scanner, antenna radiation pattern, antenna gain


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