Energy stealthiness ensuring technique during the target coordinates determination

Radiolocation and radio navigation


Timoshenko A. G.1*, Teplyakov I. M.1**, Kuznetsov V. S.1***, Solodkov A. V.2****

1. National Research University of Electronic Technology, 1, sq. Shokina, Moscow, Zelenograd, 124498, Russia
2. National Research University of Electronic Technology, Bld. 1, Shokin Square, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia, 124498



The article describes the problem of creating a location system based on mobile units, adding new functionality without changing the communication systems’ hardware component count. Target detection by equipment employed for communication systems equipped with vertical pin vibrators is limited not only by the parameters of the antenna radiation pattern, but also by the level of the amplifier maximum output power level, usually not exceeding 5 W. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) started the realization of a similar air-based project for deploying on unmanned aerial vehicles this year. The proposed decision is aimed at the modernization of the existing mobile subscriber communications with antenna suspension height not exceeding 2 m. To ensure the energy stealthiness of wireless devices operating in radar mode and determining the local coordinates of targets the proposed method consists in using simplex codes with a large base. The carried out computations revealed, that implementation of codes with 4096 base as an expansive pseudo-random sequence, can ensure energy stealthiness at the level of —20 dB with a probability of target detection no less than 0.9, and the probability of false detection of about 10-6. It is possible to build Kasami family for the selected base. The authors carried out computation of target detection parameters, and defined the target distance error, which amounted to about 5 m, with a detection distance of about 5 km and an effective scattering area of a target of about 6 m2.

The proposed method is expected to be tested on radio communication mobile devices, with an output power up to 5 W, and omnidirectional antennas. For the obtained data analysis, an earlier proposed modified Fortune algorithm will be used, when the curve is used sweeping right line for Voronoi diagrams plotting. Such an approach will allow reduce the target errors in range up to 2.5 m and azimuth up to 10–3 rad correspondingly. Thus, the number of communications devices involved in the location should be greater than three, including no less than two radiation sources, operating alternately.


communication systems, radar, energy stealthiness, target detection, correlation functions


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