The study of ring resonator first and second modes of deformations effect on characteristics of angular velocity transducer based on optical tunneling effect

Computing and control systems elements and units


Busurin V. I.*, Kazaryan A. V.1**, Korobkov V. V.2***, Yin N. W.3****

1. Central Research Institute of Technology “Technomash”, 4, Str. Ivan Franco, Moscow, 121108, Russia
2. Nizhny Novgorod Engineering Company «Atomenergoproekt», 3, Pl. Svobody. Nizhny Novgorod, 603006, Russia
3. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



This paper presents adjusted mathematical model of angular velocity transducer (AVT) based on optical tunnelling effect (OTE). The effect of the initial gap, the optical source incidence angle and optical spot radius on the of the angular velocity transducer based OTE characteristics is calculated at different angular velocities. The article studied the effect of the ring resonator primary and the second mode of angular velocity transducer based on optical tunnelling effect (OTE). The initial mathematical model assumed parallel displacement of the gap between the prism and ring resonator. It determined optical output power on photo detector by the optical spot central point. In real configuration, the ring resonator surface is deviated a few nanometres from the prism surface. Considering the gap variation for different contact points of the optical spot, it is possible to determine the adjusted mathematical the primary mode model. In the secondary mode, the adjusted mathematical model is defined based on the gap change at various points of the ring resonator surface. The OTE-based angular velocity transducer is implemented using the results of the initial and adjusted mathematical models.

Optical output power is defined according to the compensated mathematical model by various contact points on the prism border. This paper presents the study of the OTE-based angular velocity transducer, and proposes the adjusted mathematical model for the ring resonator first and second modes. The authors considered the effect of the output power errors when using the adjusted mathematical model compared to the initial model with variation of the initial gap, radiation source’s incidence angle, and the optical spot radius. The paper demonstrates that the optical spot radius affects strongly, and for relative error, no more than 1%, the optical spot radius should not exceed 50 mcm. Incidence angle herewith affects the output signal, and it can be changed within the range from 42° to 50°. The results of the article allow study error elimination while AVT design.


transducer, angular velocity, optical tunnelling effect, ring resonator, mathematical model


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