The information-diagnostic system flaw control

Control and testing of flying vehicles and their systems


Pavlov P. V.*, Popov F. N.**

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



The work is dedicated to the development of flaw control information diagnostic system, the ability to expand the possibility of non-destructive testing devices which operation is based on optical radiation speckle patterns method.

Method of «chessboard» is used as speckle imaging tool. This method allows analyze the dynamics of the parameters changes in a defect by analyzing the changes in the studied surface roughness parameters, as well as to carry out work on determining the depth of defects in the internal structure of composite materials. This method is applied to control the subsurface structure. Its operation principle consists in sensing of the object with increasing laser power.

Experimental studies have confirmed the effectiveness of these methods, and proved that the method of «checkerboard» can be used to monitor the cracking and residual lifespan assessment of details, employing the method for determining the internal structure of composite materials, and the depth of the defect in the internal structure of an object.

Thus, the introduction of the developed information-diagnostic system will allow for flaw detection of aircraft control units and assemblies at a new technological level.


nondestructive testing, flaw detection, speckles, composites, roughness, image processing, Java SE


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