Gas-steam turbine cycle basic parameters selection for gas pumping units

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Agul'nik A. В.*, Gusarov S. A.**, Omar Hewa H. O.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The paper tackles with the issue of a gas turbine and steam-turbine cycles’ basic parameters of a gas turbine installation under development for gas pumping units, based on aircraft jet engine. The goal of this work consists in gas pipelines pumping units’ efficiency increase by utilizing a gas turbine engine high-temperature exhaust heat energy and the realizing a lower-temperature steam cycle.

With the combined power plant processes T-S-diagram it was performed the selection of the main parameters of the gas turbine and steam turbine cycles according to the needs of temperature differences. Calculations show that the creation of a combined gas and steam power unit is possible. The initial temperature of the gas turbine cycle should not exceed 1500 ... 1600 K to ensure that the free power turbine will work without blade cooling.

Based on a combined power plant processes’ T-S diagram the authors carried out selection of the gas turbine and steam-turbine cycles’ basic parameters with allowance for the temperature difference requirements. The computations demonstrated the possibility of such combined gas turbine installation development. The gas turbine initial temperature herein should not exceed 1500 ... 1600 K to ensure the free power turbine operation without blade cooling.

pumping unit based on aircraft jet engine RD-33. Whereby the results demonstrate that the power of such combined plant will be 20 MW (15.5 MW and 4.5 MW) with effective efficiency of 45‒50%.

All the above said allows draw a conclusion that gas-turbine installations are prospective for gas pipelines gas-pumping units’ drives and allows reduce of fuel gas consumption for compressor station’ auxiliaries.


gas-steam turbine plant, the basic parameters of the cycles of the Gas turbine plant and steam turbine plant, free power turbine, combined thermodynamics cycle of gas-steam turbine plant


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