On the possibility of determination aircraft takeoff weight

Metrology and metrological assurance


Hein Tay Z. T.*, Mel'nikov V. E.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: heintayzartin@gmail.com
**e-mail: ve_melnik@mail.ru


The exact knowledge of an aircraft take-off weight, including the actual fuel weight on board and center mass is a factor in flight safety and its controllability. Conventional weight measuring systems do not allow for the rapid control of these parameters in real time.

The authors consider the possibility of an aircraft take-off weight operational determination while maneuvering along the taxiway to the runway starting area.

For this purpose, the taxiway must hold the traceable area equipped with sensor bars, embedded in an underlying surface according to the number of the aircraft’s support landing gears, and electronic component to ensure the operability of the sensors, information processing, and remote transmission to Central office for decision making.

The paper justifies the layout of sensor bars, the geometry of the receiving surface, perceiving the pressure force of the aircraft landing gear on the underlying surface, and specifies the requirements to the primary sensors energy characteristics, which converts the pressure force into an electrical signals and their number.

Particularly, the longitudinal dimension of the sensor bar must have a phase of whole position of contact patch of wheels on the perceiving surface of the sensor. This allows extracting the additional information useful to diagnose the state of the wheel elements of the landing gear.

The main requirements to the primary sensors are high accuracy and versatility. The most promising seems to be the sensors, such as electromechanical transducers, based on amorphous and crystalline quartz with frequency dependent output signal. This can be unified quartz string transducers of forces and deformations. Quartz capacitive transducers can be in conjunction with the quartz crystal oscillators as well.

Further, the paper presents the main available characteristics of the sensors, which determine the ultimate load, steepness and temperature error.


aircraft takeoff weight, metrological zone, sensor bar, primary sensor, capacitive transducer, strain sensitivity, electronic module


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